Friday, December 12, 2008

Mira Costa

After a lengthy sleep in the next day we faced Mira Costa HS. With a new 1million dollar football stadium constructed next to the gym, the boys expected the facilities to be matched by a high level of competitveness... they were correct!

The JV boys took the initiative early and played a great shooting game to the half, leading at several stages. Unfortunately after running out of puff in the third quarter the boys were out run and were defeated. The end score line did not reflect the nature of the game.

With four of their varsity players over 6'4 our varisty boys were facing some very athletic players. They were quick and played with intensity over four quarters. Again we were in front at the half. By the end of the third quarter the boys were out of puff and were steamrolled by a larger squad (14) and fitter players. The photos from this game are available at the following web site. (follow the prompts - atheltics basketball etc)

The coaches commented on great play from Iliadis and Banks from the JV game, and D-mac and Metcalf from the varsity game.

1 comment:

steve said...

great to get some updates...
keep up the great work boys....